Surf Wax or Traction Pads
Surf Wax or Traction Pads. Surfboards are slick and they are even more slippery once they get wet. This works well for gliding across the water, but it also makes it hard to keep your grip on the surface. Heith Pino of St. Helena, California, used an intervalometer and a shutter release to capture a photo of the April blood moon every four minutes. He stitched together six shots to create this time lapse photo series. Could not be reached for comment, and his affiliated company, Davis Strait Fisheries Ltd., said it would not be commenting.The lawyer for Tele Greenland said he could not comment on the case until owners of the Acadienne Gale II have filed a statement of defence.Tele Greenland is suing for damages and alleges in court documents that the Acadienne Gale II was operated in an "unsafe and unseamanlike manner," that outdated charts were being used, and that fishing gear was not properly controlled and monitored.The court action is one in a growing number of legal c...